It has always been a dream of mine, as long as I can remember, to have my own garden, where I can plant Sunflowers, and pumpkins! It might not sound like an unattainable wish or dream - these things might seem very simple to have. But for me, those sunflowers represented something much bigger - Growth & Independence. Once - not too long ago - that dream seemed unattainable. We looked at houses for a good 5 or 6 years before finally stumbling upon our little fairytale cottage here! So I'd like to tell you a little story about manifestation and the law of attraction, and the meaning sunflowers hold for me... In April of 2018, we had been 6 months into our new marriage, and still living in my parents house because homes on the market in this area were SLIM PICKINS.... to a depressing degree. So I had decided to do a little bit of a manifestation spell to give the situation a little boost. We had been at it for a little over half a decade, and we just needed our own space, horribly! I meditated on this desire with a just a few Tarot cards! Here are 3 tarot cards that helped me manifest my house! The Sun, Queen of Pentacles, and 10 of cups. The Sun card radiates that warmth and optimism - which I needed horribly! We were scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. Now one of the main pieces of imagery that always stands out to me on the sun card, are the SUNFLOWERS! These flowers themselves represent that growth, spirituality, abundance, radiance, joy, and optimism! The figure on the card represents freedom, independence, uninhibitedness, which I was so badly craving at this point. The Queen of Pentacles represents a strong and stable, practical woman, coming into her own. She enjoys the comforts of making a house into a home, and this keeps her grounded. The queen represents a woman at a point in her life where she is ready to settle down and plant her roots. She is surrounded by lush foliage all around her, as everything she puts her care into, flourishes, when concerning matters of the home. Ten of Cups represents ultimate attainment - this card reminds of me of the board game when you "win the game of life". You have the marriage, the house, the land, the family, the love, the abundance and prosperity! It is good fortune, blessings and gratitude all around. I meditated on these cards, and within that week or so, we had planned to go see a house in the area. We went and saw it, and weren't impressed. Then our realtor informed us that another house just recently popped up on the market, across town, so we decided last minute, what do we have to lose at this point. Upon driving up, before we even saw the inside, the energy was just right there. Then when we walked in, it just felt right, it felt like home. Our realtor told us that if we didn't put an offer in right then and there, that we'd lose our chance because the market was super competitive at this point! We told her we'd let her know within the next day. So we talked it over, and then we decided to put in an offer. We were then informed that there was another bid! OH NO! The other bidder came in ABOVE asking price. So there goes that! I don't remember what happened exactly, I think we had the option to go in above asking price blindly, cuz we didn't know the bid of the other buyer. If we bid too low, we would potentially lose the house! So we decided to put in a bid above asking price. In the meantime, I decided to do a little good luck spell and make a charm bag to ward off potential opponents. I also kept meditating with my cards, did more affirmational work, and envisioned the house as if it were already mine. Talk about setting myself up for major disappointment if this were to fall through. Somehow though, I felt in my gut that this was our house, even though this other buyer pretty much had it. I just kept feeling the urge to keep meditating and working for this desire. ![]() The next day, my husband informs me that OUR OFFER WAS ACCEPTED! And apparently the other buyer either came in under us, but I vaguely remember something else like they couldn't get pre-approved or some random fault of their own self... so their bid was not accepted. I was completely FLOORED. Did my affirmations work?!?!? Did I work that law of attraction? Was it a coincidence? Or did I will this to me? Believe what you want to believe, but I'd like to believe that I had a little hand in this! When we put our messages or desires out into the Universe, you can bet it's taking notes... sometimes it just takes awhile to come to fruition, but that's because it's making sure all the other little details are lined up, in order to make the RIGHT things, possible to happen. We had almost closed on a house once before, years prior to this one - NOTHING about that situation felt right, and ultimately it fell through - and it was meant to fall through, because if it didn't, we wouldn't be where we are at now. And I couldn't be happier ❤️ So planting these sunflowers for me, is what brings this full circle. I AM the Queen of Pentacles, living my 10 of Cups card, planting my Sun card Sunflowers ❤️
About the Tarot ReaderJustina is a certified tarot reader under the teachings and guidance of Krysten Burkhardt-Hansyn. She reads intuitively using colors, symbols, landscapes and illustrations on the cards. She loves using crystals and flowers to enhance the readings for her clients. SHOP MY FAVORITE DECKS!NOTE: The following are my affiliate links. Shopping from these links will earn me a small commission. I thank you in advance for supporting my small business! :-)
August 2020