It has always been a dream of mine, as long as I can remember, to have my own garden, where I can plant Sunflowers, and pumpkins! It might not sound like an unattainable wish or dream - these things might seem very simple to have. But for me, those sunflowers represented something much bigger - Growth & Independence. Once - not too long ago - that dream seemed unattainable. We looked at houses for a good 5 or 6 years before finally stumbling upon our little fairytale cottage here! So I'd like to tell you a little story about manifestation and the law of attraction, and the meaning sunflowers hold for me... In April of 2018, we had been 6 months into our new marriage, and still living in my parents house because homes on the market in this area were SLIM PICKINS.... to a depressing degree. So I had decided to do a little bit of a manifestation spell to give the situation a little boost. We had been at it for a little over half a decade, and we just needed our own space, horribly! I meditated on this desire with a just a few Tarot cards! Here are 3 tarot cards that helped me manifest my house! The Sun, Queen of Pentacles, and 10 of cups. The Sun card radiates that warmth and optimism - which I needed horribly! We were scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. Now one of the main pieces of imagery that always stands out to me on the sun card, are the SUNFLOWERS! These flowers themselves represent that growth, spirituality, abundance, radiance, joy, and optimism! The figure on the card represents freedom, independence, uninhibitedness, which I was so badly craving at this point. The Queen of Pentacles represents a strong and stable, practical woman, coming into her own. She enjoys the comforts of making a house into a home, and this keeps her grounded. The queen represents a woman at a point in her life where she is ready to settle down and plant her roots. She is surrounded by lush foliage all around her, as everything she puts her care into, flourishes, when concerning matters of the home. Ten of Cups represents ultimate attainment - this card reminds of me of the board game when you "win the game of life". You have the marriage, the house, the land, the family, the love, the abundance and prosperity! It is good fortune, blessings and gratitude all around. I meditated on these cards, and within that week or so, we had planned to go see a house in the area. We went and saw it, and weren't impressed. Then our realtor informed us that another house just recently popped up on the market, across town, so we decided last minute, what do we have to lose at this point. Upon driving up, before we even saw the inside, the energy was just right there. Then when we walked in, it just felt right, it felt like home. Our realtor told us that if we didn't put an offer in right then and there, that we'd lose our chance because the market was super competitive at this point! We told her we'd let her know within the next day. So we talked it over, and then we decided to put in an offer. We were then informed that there was another bid! OH NO! The other bidder came in ABOVE asking price. So there goes that! I don't remember what happened exactly, I think we had the option to go in above asking price blindly, cuz we didn't know the bid of the other buyer. If we bid too low, we would potentially lose the house! So we decided to put in a bid above asking price. In the meantime, I decided to do a little good luck spell and make a charm bag to ward off potential opponents. I also kept meditating with my cards, did more affirmational work, and envisioned the house as if it were already mine. Talk about setting myself up for major disappointment if this were to fall through. Somehow though, I felt in my gut that this was our house, even though this other buyer pretty much had it. I just kept feeling the urge to keep meditating and working for this desire. The next day, my husband informs me that OUR OFFER WAS ACCEPTED! And apparently the other buyer either came in under us, but I vaguely remember something else like they couldn't get pre-approved or some random fault of their own self... so their bid was not accepted. I was completely FLOORED. Did my affirmations work?!?!? Did I work that law of attraction? Was it a coincidence? Or did I will this to me? Believe what you want to believe, but I'd like to believe that I had a little hand in this! When we put our messages or desires out into the Universe, you can bet it's taking notes... sometimes it just takes awhile to come to fruition, but that's because it's making sure all the other little details are lined up, in order to make the RIGHT things, possible to happen. We had almost closed on a house once before, years prior to this one - NOTHING about that situation felt right, and ultimately it fell through - and it was meant to fall through, because if it didn't, we wouldn't be where we are at now. And I couldn't be happier ❤️ So planting these sunflowers for me, is what brings this full circle. I AM the Queen of Pentacles, living my 10 of Cups card, planting my Sun card Sunflowers ❤️
Before I start this blog, I just want to apologize for my absence last week. There had been some issues with my website, which did not enable me to post. So now that things are fixed, here is my post that I would have posted last week. Again, sorry if you missed me heheheh… but now we return to our regularly scheduled program… THE FORK IN THE ROADWe’ve all been there: that fork in the road that presents us with a choice, or even many different choices and it is up to us as humans to use our better judgement and free will to make the “RIGHT” choice. But what IS the “RIGHT” choice? IS there a right or wrong choice? Or do we ultimately end up making the choice we were MEANT to make, as in, we were predestined, and the Universe, God, or whatever higher power you believe in, KNEW that you were gonna make that choice, and that set the stage for the rest of your life? OR is the choice just as up in the air TO that higher power and they kind of have to adapt to whichever choice it is that we make, at that same moment we do? I often get a silly picture in my head of my spirit guides and guardian angels just looking down on me as I make the less obvious choice, just shaking their heads as if to say, “Great Job, Juss… now WE have to deal with your bullshit, once again…” What a funny thought, isn’t it? I guess I am writing this because like every human being, I am faced with some choices at the moment. I have been an aspiring entrepreneur for a year or so now. I have many ventures and ideas, but haven’t really been able to monetize them due to my own personal mental blocks. They’re not so much creative blocks, that area I’m all set. BUT they are huge blocks attached to my mindset, and how I feel about money. I feel like a lot of creative people deal with this, and most often than not, us Right-brained creatives don’t get along with our left-brain too well. Creatives often feel like the things that we create might not be “worth it”, as in, a price we would deem acceptable to be paid for our work we pour so much blood, sweat, and tears into. Off track for a minute, but I promise you, I’ll come back to that thought… A couple days ago, a concern was brought up in one of my FB tarot groups about whether or not it is ok to read the tarot for ourselves. I replied and reassured them that it is just a silly myth designed to scare people (this myth was probably thought up by some really desperate phonies who thought they wouldn’t be paid otherwise if people would start reading for themselves). Listen, here is my quick advice on reading for yourself: NOBODY KNOWS YOU BETTER THAN YOU KNOW YOURSELF! The tarot can give us much insight about our own issues, probably better than anyone else can. BUT, that’s not to say that it doesn’t help to have the opinion of another tarot reader. Of course it does. I’m not saying they’re all phonies, just reiterating and trying to clear any misconception about reading for yourself. If you are a beginner tarot reader on the fence about doing your own, because of the things you’ve heard, I am here to tell you to ignore all of that bs! (It’s also a misnomer that you have to be gifted a deck, also NOT TRUE. It’s actually better if YOU choose a deck that you’re naturally drawn to. This will enable you to connect with it on a much deeper level. ANYWAY… sorry for getting off track… but my whole point in that little paragraph long rant is just that: I am having trouble making a choice, and I felt the need to consult my cards for some insight on this matter that seems to be troubling me at the moment. When consulting the cards in making a choice, I like to pull a card based on each choice I am presented with, and then make my decision based on the vibes I get from each card. I feel like we always KNOW deep down what the obvious choice is, but sometimes we just need to seek our higher power or our inner voice to reassure us that we are in fact making the RIGHT decision. So here is my issue at the moment. I have 3 business ventures that I have been kind of juggling for the past year or so, and I’m really trying to see which one would have the most success in monetization. I have even talked to a business coach on the matter recently, and it’s so funny because her advice is pretty much showing in the cards. This is all stuff I already knew, so it’s so crazy how the cards are always so spot on! Ok so here we go... MY CHOICESThe first card I pulled was for the first venture I stated out loud… JustinasWorld – ACE OF CUPS Cups is the suit of love, emotions, and Aces symbolize New Beginnings, a New Relationship, etc. Now Justinas World is a venture that’s been really near and dear to my heart. I have had this domain since 2001 when I started a career as a singer song-writer. The site has changed tremendously over the years. I would showcase my music on there, performance announcements, and some blogs about the career I was pursuing. For a long time, I had someone else manage it. Over the past year I had the crazy idea to revamp it and make it into a safe haven for me to combine all of my passions into one site. There was so much of me that my fans and followers never knew about because I always kept my music “persona” very separate from my personal life. I dunno what’s changed, but I really feel like I want to resonate on a more personal level now. I think just growing up made me realize that being “real” and TRUE to the people on the outside looking in, would resonate much more than just a “persona” or musical image like we see in Hollywood, etc. Over the course of me rebranding and revamping this website, I have decided to play up the whole theme of Justina’s WORLD and really use it to focus on putting more good back into the world and making this crazy world seem like a “not so crazy place” after all. On this blog, I love to post about my spiritual musings, feature art, music, poetry, my fictional writings, dreams, goals, aspirations, my love of tarot, and other things I enjoy such as Travel and EXPLORATION! I have even started to develop some art courses that I plan to host on there as well, and try to form a sort of movement through art and music combined. I want to get people from all different countries and cultures involved, and I think this is kind of the dream with this blog. Can I see it making any money? Would I be able to quit my day job if I made this the main focus? I’m not sure. It’s a feel-good venture, and even though I have many minimal streams of income off of it through youtube affiliation and music sales, it is definitely not enough to pay the bills from month to month. Will it ever be? Maybe… but not in the near future, as my following on there has dwindled over the years. I kind of attribute that to laziness to maintain contact with followers, and also laziness in creating the content it takes to keep a crowd engaged. It’s a lot of work, for sure. I am definitely agreeing that Ace of Cups represents JustinasWorld because I love this venture so much, but as far as income, maybe I shouldn’t pursue this area as hard. This site is just a FEEL GOOD venture, but that’s not where the money is at… clearly. I mean I might be able to generate some cash flow via my Tarot Readings (which I also offer in my 3rd venture). Abra-zine! – WHEEL OF FORTUNE The Wheel of Fortune is a card of the MAJOR ARCANA. These cards represent huge events in our lives and the Wheel of Fortune in particular represents a turning point, maybe even some luck or good fortune coming my way. I could not agree more with this aspect. Abra-zine is a global arts and inspirational E-mag that I have really been nurturing wholeheartedly and consistently for the past ALMOST 2 years. It’s a seasonal magazine (1 issue per season) that relies heavily on different contributors each issue, to form a global collaboration of different artists, storytellers, and creatives alike. I have really been concentrating on growing my reader base and keeping track of who exactly is reading, collecting my leads, promoting, etc. The mag has grown quite a bit in the 2 years I had started it up, and I’m really proud of it, and it really has become such a passion project of mine. I have a dedicated FB community of all of my followers, contributors, and readers, and it grows with every issue. I definitely think I would definitely have the most success with monetizing this venture because it is so community based and gives every one a platform and outlet for their own artistic voices to be heard! I think I definitely need to put my focus on the magazine ALOT more, and maybe even focus on growing the mag in between issues, because up to this point, I have been relaxing on my “off” months. I am the editor in chief, ceo, creator, designer, talent scout, web master, I mean you name it, I have really been taking on ALL of the work, in addition to contributing some pieces during the issue production. I do ALOT of work, and I don’t get paid for it, but I do it cuz I love it. BUT… at some point, if we want to make a living off of our passions, we have to make certain choices. I’d love to say I do this for a living, and that it pays the bills. I definitely see the most potential in monetizing this venture because it already has somewhat of a built in fanbase, and I can add some things to sweeten the deal, like courses, and affiliations for my paying members to benefit from. I always said I would keep it free for readers and contributors, and that is my main goal. That’s why it’s so tricky. I want to monetize without making my readers/contributors pay for anything. However, if my readers/contributors wanted additional perks, like courses, webinars, and the chance to INVEST in said magazine, i’d love to enable them to make their own money off of helping to spread the word, that is why affiliation marketing is great. I really think there are so many options with being able to monetize this. I think I just need to dive in a little deeper and keep the focus on this venture MORE. My last card I pulled is for the following venture: Bohemian Magic Studios – 2 of Pentacles Now it’s funny I pulled this card for this venture, because pentacles is the suit of finance, and practicality. The figure in this card is juggling and TRYING to balance his pentacles, which to me says this venture was something that I threw in the mix to maybe give myself another option. Also I had this domain name probably since I had Abrazine, and I haven’t really done much with it, because I haven’t been able to decide what exactly to do with it. At first it was a site where I would sell my art and crafts, and post blogs about home and gardens stuff. Then it became a site about painting parties and jumping on that trend of offering virtual art classes (I mean it might partly still be that). Then it became a site of this and a site of that. Then this past year I started helping friends and guinea pig clients put together their websites and help them take their ideas and bring them to life so they could start up the business of their dreams. I really saw myself as the catalyst for making their ideas come to life. I then decided to make this site dedicated to helping the Creative-Preneur manifest the business of their dreams. And that is where I’m at now. I’m in the process of putting together some services packages and really trying to build up a client base as far this goes. I am having more of a block with this venture, and I do feel like I’m kind of juggling it along with my other two. I think I got the 2 of pentacles here, because it is the only venture of the 3 that I’m actually making ANY steady flow of income for at the moment. It is minimal in the grand scheme of things, but it is the MOST I have made off of any of these 3 ventures. I think I am feeling the need to juggle this BECAUSE I AM seeing progress here as far as monetization goes. I DO actually LOVE helping people get their ventures up and running and helping them with learning their way around marketing and using the world wide web as a tool to get their business up and running. The waves in the background of the 2 of pentacles definitely indicated that it is a bit choppy keeping up this end of my ventures to stay afloat with that cashflow while I’m also juggling Abra-zine, my BIGGER venture, where I see where most of the potential and opportunity for it to grow into something MUCH bigger. It already has taken on a bit of its own life form…. I even see the 2 of pentacles as juggling my part time day job. I think this card is just indicating me juggling many different LITTLE jobs as a means to make the money, and it’s definitely hindering my ability to put all my focus into the one thing I think has the brightest light at the end of the tunnel.. Abra-Zine will be my calling card, and my best fortune. I think all in all… my own reading has definitely reinforced my uncertainty about which venture needs my most attention and even monetary investment. I think my goals for 2016 will definitely involve me finding a way to monetize the mag for certain and even hiring some help, even if it’s a few interns. I definitely need to start investing in the FB ads, and get my business cards made up. I think I really need to take this all the way if I want to make things work with this. So when life gives you many choices… feel free to pull your own cards, 1 per choice that life is presenting you with. What does each card say to YOU about each choice? Which card feels the heaviest or seems to be pulling you its way the most? That’s how you know what the obvious choice is… it might actually be the choice you were heading for all along… But sometimes we just need divine intervention, and some answers from the powers that be… Our spirit guides are always there, making sure that we are staying true to our inner voice, and reading our own tarot cards is the perfect way to make that voice a bit louder when it’s being muffled by our own insecurity… I hope you enjoyed this exercise… What choices is life presenting YOU with at this moment? Try this out! If you read your own, please share your reading as well! I think the 10 of Cups is the best card to represent today! This card is all about the many blessings and love that are enriching our lives! It is a card symbolizing gratitude and just pausing to be grateful for all the beautiful things that have manifested for us over the course of the year. And as my mentor, Kristen Burkhardt-Hanson of Heart to Heart Institute has mentioned in one of her recent posts, Today is not about the material things, and most certainly not about the sales, or waiting in long lines, or battling crowds for that last flat screen tv or latest gadget. Not everyone has the luxury of spending today with their families. Some have to work, or some are off fighting for our country, to keep us safe while we celebrate with our parades, or in our safe warm homes. Just value the people in your lives to today who fill you with joy, and makes your lives that much more special, whether they’re near or far… I don’t have a super long post today, but I did want to pop in, and say that I’m so thankful today for all of you I have met over the past year that have filled my lives with that much more love, positivity, and inspiration! I thank you for your knowledge, and your gifts of teaching and insight, new friendships, and laughter! If you need some support this Thanksgiving, definitely tune in! If not, catch the replay! RSVP ON FACEBOOK HERE Happy Thanksgiving to All!What card represents today for YOU?Feel free to add your input in the comments! Avoiding Psychic Burnout is something that’s extremely important in the metaphysical field, and a topic that other readers or those of empathic nature might find value in. It is TEST YOUR TAROT THURSDAY in my Tarot 101 Group Courtesy of my teacher and mentor Kristen Burkhardt-Hanson of Heart to Heart Institute, and in our last thread, one of our members brought up the feeling of feeling phantom pains and a feeling of overwhelm around certain people in the workplace. I have often felt these phantom pains, and have even gotten tested at the doctor again and again only to realize there was absolutely nothing wrong with me. So then WHAT GIVES, you ask? Yea.. Trust me, I’ve asked myself this time and time again, and it wasn’t until only last year that I have begun to make the spiritual connection. If you have never heard of the term EMPATH… I have written a bit of an extensive blog (Read More Here), an account of my own personal experiences as an Empath and the effect that it has had on me at certain points in my life. It can really take over your life if you don’t find some way to control it. Today, along with those involved in the discussion, I have also kind have been a sort of magnet for “OPP” (yea you know me… any Naughty By Nature fans in the house? Yea 90s!)… but anyway… I call this O.P.P. – OTHER PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS. Why do we feel the obligation to have to be able to FIX everything wrong with everyone? I often have friends private message me over pressing matters that they need to vent out, and sometimes even ask for a quick reading. It’s hard to tend to the things this extensive when I have my own things on my To-Do List for today, but you want to stop and help your friend, and feel like a jerk if you don’t, right? I thought this card was so perfect for today – This card is “Sacrifice” from The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr. This card can also be interpreted as “The Hanged Man” in the traditional Tarot Sense. Sacrifice is represented in this card by Kuan Yin, one of the most beloved Goddesses of China. She represents the Holy Mother of COMPASSION. Pulling this card suggests that we may be experiencing this heightened sensitivity toward empathy, and sacrificing ourselves for the greater good. But this card can also serve as a warning, that if we are not careful with how much we are spreading ourselves too thin, dropping everything we’re doing to try to fix someone else’s problem that you really have no answer for after an hour of mediating … we’re also doing ourselves an incredible disservice. If you are offering free readings as a *special* limited time only service, and you have a set allotted amount of readings you are voluntarily doing per day, you can regulate the energy you are using to avoid exertion. That makes things a little different than say a friend who you rarely talk to, who conveniently pops up out of nowhere, only when they’re itching to find out things about new job they just got, or a new person they started dating, or a falling out they’ve had with so and so. Sometimes you just don’t have the answers for something or you relay info from the cards to them, that they don’t necessarily want to hear. Not that it’s bad news, it’s just HONEST news, and some just don’t like hearing when something just might not be “in the cards”, so to speak. Sometimes we put ourselves down about the things we have no control over, and that sets our Empathic nature into a downward spiral of pain and maybe even semi-depressing emotions. This is the disservice I am talking about. We are subconsciously taking on the burdens and obligations of issues that are not our own. These things can have an affect on our own mind, body, and spirit. It is great to help our friends, but only if we have boundaries in place to help us avoid burnout or a miscommunication that might end up doing more damage in the long run. As tarot readers, we become magnets for other people’s problems, but just because we were blessed with the gift of listening and insight, doesn’t mean we should feel OBLIGATED to give it at the drop of a dime, or for free, or because it’s expected, because that’s how friendships work right? Eh.. there’s a fine line between being a good friend and becoming an emotional (and even in some cases, financial) doormat. I think this beautiful card today was much needed, and a reminder to keep our boundaries in check… because we are no use to ourselves or the ones we love around us, if we’re a sopping wet sponge of other people’s negative bs. Once we can release those obligations that are not our own, back into the universe, we can free ourselves from the pain or sense of overwhelm we feel when we feel like we HAVE to fix things. We don’t. We’re not superman or woman. We’re still only human. What are your thoughts on this card? Can you relate to it today? If not, try pulling your own card! What is it telling you? Please share in the comments below! HAPPY ALMOST HALLOWEEN SPOOKY ONES! Sadly my favorite month of the year is coming to a close, we have a little less than a week left til Halloween, Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, etc. and October for me personally, in my Tarot 101 course, was supposed to be my month of PRACTICE: practicing my readings and building my cliental. Come November, my goal is to spread my wings and take flight into the magickal world of holistic professionals, and really establish my own business as a tarot reader, healer, and personal development guide. Today I pulled a card and asked “What could I do to really enhance my business as a Holistic Professional come November?” I have received The Emperor card, which to me suggests that I have to develop my MALE brain a bit more. The Emperor represents a very male energy based in structure and discipline. Most business minded individuals have a very strong male energy which keeps them motivated and on track, disciplined when working toward their goals. The emperor in the Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee is represented by Frankenstein… who is the result of EXPERIMENTATION. This also tells me… DO NOT BE AFRAID TO EXPERIMENT! Trial and Error is probably the BEST way to learn something. We are human, we make mistakes, but when we make mistakes, it is also teaches us very valuable things in the process! Experimentation breeds GROWTH and expansion of the mind … which is what I am gathering from those flowers growing out of that test tube filled with brains. This card is marked with the sign of the planet Jupiter which suggests evolutionary development (maturity, and knowledge gained through a time of growth). Feel Free to pull your own card to represent how you can approach your business for November… What card did you get? What messages did it relay to you? Please share in the comments! |
About the Tarot ReaderJustina is a certified tarot reader under the teachings and guidance of Krysten Burkhardt-Hansyn. She reads intuitively using colors, symbols, landscapes and illustrations on the cards. She loves using crystals and flowers to enhance the readings for her clients. SHOP MY FAVORITE DECKS!NOTE: The following are my affiliate links. Shopping from these links will earn me a small commission. I thank you in advance for supporting my small business! :-)
August 2020