The Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle Deck by Grounded By the Moon | DECK UNBOXING AND REVIEW6/8/2021 Bohemian Magic Studios Presents The Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle Deck by Grounded By the Moon | DECK REVIEW
"THERE'S A LITTLE WITCH IN ALL OF US..." HELLO WITCHES! I am so very excited to bring you this video today. A couple months ago, I saw this deck pop up in my newsfeed, and I just knew right away that I HAD to add this to my collection! INTRODUCING The Practical Magic Inner Witch Oracle Deck by Grounded By the Moon "A magical 46 card deck created to empower you and get in touch with your inner witch while assisting you in everyday life on your journey of magic and self-discovery" This deck is based on the movie PRACTICAL MAGIC, with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. It's chock full of movie references, some obvious (phone tree, death watch beetle, midnight margaritas), and some not so obvious. This deck was a fun little way to go back to the movie and see where I could find the more obscure references. This video is my complete and honest review of this deck. I review everything from the feel of the cards in your hands, to what I think about the illustrations, to the different deck spreads, and I will even go through the booklet, and touch on every single card in the deck, as well as mention the reference from the film. This video will be a nice little trip into the Practical Magic world! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights and sounds from only the BEST WITCH MOVIE EVER!! AND ONE MORE THING! There are Spoilers at every corner of the video! If you have not seen the movie Practical Magic, stop this video IMMEDIATELY and go do that first! If you have already seen the movie, then by all means, carry on! :-) "And remember - Always throw spilled salt over your shoulder, plant rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can!" GROUNDED BY THE MOON INSTAGRAM: BACK THE 2ND PRINTING OF THE NEW MOON EDITION (BLACK HOLOGRAPHIC EDGES) ON KICKSTARTER! OFFICIAL: ___________________________________________________________________ FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: JOIN ME ON PATREON, GET APOTHECARY LABELS, FULL MOON TEA PARTIES, GRIMOIRE RESOURCES, ACCESS TO MY PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY AND MORE! JUSTINA XOXO
I made these boards on Polyvore probably about 5 years ago. I was obsessed with that site. I would use it to pretty much mood board all of my favorite movies and books, creating scenes and character studies. I made these boards for my all time favorite movie PRACTICAL MAGIC. I made a board for The Aunts, Sally, Jillian, The Little Owens, Officer Gary Hallet, and Jimmy Angelove. Unfortunately, the site closed down because they sold out to some lame company, and everyone who didn't save their boards had lost em. I WOULD have lost these boards, but luckily... some other crazed Practical Magic fan must have found my boards, and they pinned them to their Pinterest Page!!! What a RELIEF! So, THANK YOU to the rando who pinned my boards, so I didn't lose them because of you!! <3 I LOVE these boards so much :-) Anyway, I totally miss Polyvore and the fun paperdollesque feel they had... If anyone can find another site like it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! ![]() So I am very excited to announce that I am now a BRAND AMBASSADOR for @PCcollaborativecreations! This Montclair, NJ small business specializes in homemade bath and body products, which are HANDMADE in small batches to ensure the quality of the product! This past weekend, I had the pleasure of sharing demonstration space with the company’s Lady Boss Paige Davis, and I picked up a few of her products. As I was sniffing the array of her yummy and pleasingly aromatic products, she had me, hook line and sinker when I saw that she had a whipped sugar scrub titled PRACTICAL MAGIC. It’s a whimsical minty shade of green and topped with dried rose buds, body glitter and PURE MAGICK! I could not WAIT to take this home. This scrub is a blend of sandalwood, bergamot, green clover, aloe, and dragons blood and smells OH SO YUMMY! How many Jimmy Angeloves do you think this concoction could resurrect!?! The Dragon and the Wolf Wax and Bath Crafts Scrub Butter is an easy to use Foaming Scrub that is mild enough to use every day. Filled with skin loving oils like jojoba and sunflower oil, your skin will feel hydrated and exfoliated after showering with it. This 18 ounce jar runs you $12.50. If you would like to purchase a jar of magick, check out the following website and Enter “Justina” in the shipping notes for a FREE GIFT! 😃 Bohemian Magic Studios Presents Faerie Magazine: Practical Magic Issue REVIEW! Hello You Magickal Beings! Welcome back to another Witchy Review!! I have in my hands, the latest issue of FAERIE MAGAZINE! And this issue is in honor of Alice Hoffman’s much anticipated prequel to Practical Magic, a very beloved book amongst the whimsical witchy community. The prequel is titled “The Rules of Magic” and centers around the aunts and their upbringing during the 60s. It explains how they dealt with the nasty curse placed upon them by their ancestor Maria, so that any man who falls in love with them meets an untimely fate. It’s such a wonderful book surrounding themes of love, loss and obviously magic… This mag issue has that same touch of magick all throughout, as Alice Hoffman herself has graced the pages with excerpts of the new release, as well as other short stories she has to share. It’s also chock full of poetry and emotive photography, and other articles & interviews, practical magic and otherwise. Some of my favorite excerpts from the issue include the Red Shoes and all of the other magickal things the sisters were prohibited from experiencing. I also loved editor Carolyn Turgeon’s very relatable article about why she loves the movie practical magic – it’s the same reason why I’m sure we all fell in love with it as well! I also love the excerpt on courage tea and the article about all of the Herbs from the books, which are displayed on illustrated pages beautiful enough to be found in a book of shadows. The Aunt’s checklist for living a magickal life is a fun little read, and Tricia Saroya’s PM Party Tips are a fun little read if you’re planning on hosting your own witchy gathering! Other great articles include Veronica Varlow’s “Magic House” and Charlotte Baker’s excellent instructional piece on “How to Make a Broom” – a must know for every witch! And no witchy compilation is complete without a word from Salem’s most badass witch Laurie Cabot, and a look behind the witch shop Enchantments located in NYC’s village. So if you’re craving something a little witchy, be sure to pick up this issue and let’ start a discussion down below! Order your copy of Faerie Magazine’s Practical Magic Issue today!www.FaerieMag.comBuy the Rules of Magic by Alice HoffmanOTHER RESOURCES: Visit my dear friend Seka on Youtube! Visit these witches on Instagram! Sage Sovereign Veronica Varlow Alice Hoffman VISIT ENCHANTMENTS for your own customized carved spell candle! BUY A CUSTOM WITCH’S BROOM! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more magickal posts! WATCH MORE OF MY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE! And don’t forget to comment, rate, & subscribe! Email me at [email protected] Justina xoxo I found an ad in the newspaper today for this beautiful house. As soon as I saw it, I was overtaken by a strong sense of deja vu. I knew right away that I had to go see it, maybe not to buy it , but just to see if anything about it could jolt my memory… I used the email address in the ad, to contact Miss Jenney. When she responded, she wasn’t very welcoming, or descriptive in her email, but very shortly supplied me with the address. I decided to take the drive, since it was surprisingly not too far from where I lived. When I pulled up to the house, I immediately thought It was the most beautiful house I had ever seen! As soon as I walked in the door, I could feel something special. I stood in the Parlor and felt some kind of force pushing me into the kitchen and towards the attic stairs. It lured me up to the attic! I followed a winding staircase to the very top and saw a bright light coming from under the entrance door. Upon entering, the light grew stronger…. I peeked around the corner and what I found was an old brown trunk. There seemed to be this bright magical light emerging from it! I walked closer, and I proceeded to lift the lid with caution. I barely touched it, when it just flew open by itself! What I found inside was breathtaking!! I reached in, and pulled out an old spell book!! On the cover it said “La Boheme Magique’s Book of Shadows” I wonder where this came from, and whose this was. On the inside cover it said property of Jet and Frances Owens, but that was crossed out. Underneath that, it said Property of Sally and Gillian Owens. That was crossed out as well! Underneath that, it said property of Antonia and Kylie Owens… It looks like it has been passed down from generation to generation… I wondered who would get it next… I opened it up to center, and inside I found a magical spell… The left page appeared to be some sort of Bird Love Spell, where you are supposed to stick a bird with a pin needle to attract the one you love… On the right side page was a spell titled “Spiritus”. The recipe called for: 4 oz of Braided Wheat Straw Bundles 2 oz of Blue Sage 2 oz of Mandragora 1 Tbl of Henbane Pulp and then there was a disclaimer which read: Henbane is poisonous! This spell is said to revive the dead, but precaution must be taken, because it is said that they will come back as something dark and unnatural!! I figured I was not at liberty to try either of these spells, but I might need the book for something else, so I took it with me. In the trunk, under the book, was some old gypsyesque clothing, and I couldn’t help but play dressup! I took out a beautiful lavender purple lace dress with silk lining. I finagled my way into the antique couture, when all of the sudden I felt a really cold draft as if somebody had ran past me! Just then, the old phonograph went on by itself, and it started playing Elvis Presley’s “You Are Always on My Mind” !! It made me jump out of my skin!! I got that chill again, like someone had rushed past me, so I decided to go back downstairs! As I was walking back down the winding staircase from the attic, this magical smell started to overtake me!!! It lured me through the magickal kitchen, and out into the garden. It was then, I realized what this smell was!!!! When I arrived in the garden, I saw a table seated for one, with the most amazing treat one could ever wish for!! BROWNIES FOR BREAKFASTThe table was also adorned with an old photo of a dark haired woman. Her face looked very familiar. Next to her was a green vase that looked like it was from a botanical shop, and a watch inscribed with the words Sally Owens. On top of the plate, was a note… I wondered if I was supposed to read it. I didn’t want to impose, being that I was only here for an open house! I could not contain my curiosity any longer ! I carefully pulled the pink and white silk ribbon , and opened the parchment… It wasn’t addressed to anyone specific, but for some reason I felt like I was supposed to be the one reading this… It read: Our Dearest Inheritor, You are sent here today not by choice , but by the magickal plan we have set for you! We knew you would be here one day! And it is only you , who will carry on the true gifts of The Owens Family! Please take a bite of one of our magickal breakfast brownies, a recipe which has been passed down through generations, and in turn you will inherit all that is planned for you!! Your Beloved Aunts, Kylie and Antonia Owens I looked around carefully to see if anyone was around. I skimmed through the letter again briefly. I kept telling myself that this was meant to be. I hopefully shrugged my shoulders, and took a bite. I sat there for about a minute afterward waiting to shrink, or grow like Alice, but it didn’t happen. All of the sudden these wild roses started blooming out of nowhere! The vines started growing and thickening around the white lattice on the harbor leading out into the front yard overlooking the bay. I thought I should follow the path. This whole thing has felt like one sign after another. As I was approaching the harbor, I felt a cold breeze like someone had run past me again! There was a toad resting along the pathway as if to say that I was going the right way… I arrived on the front porch, and I noticed a little table set up as if it were going to tell my fortune! On the table, was a crystal ball, and a tarot deck set out on purple silk! I had felt a cold chill run through my whole body. I felt like someone had run past me a few times again. Was there some kind of phenomenon going on here, or was I just going crazy? I sat down and gazed into the crystal ball and what I saw took me by surprise! First I saw two little girls sending off rose petals into the moonlight. Next I saw a few women dancing around the same magickal kitchen I had walked through just moments prior. I then saw two lovers embracing. The last thing I saw in the crystal was this very house on Hallow’s Eve, white and statuesque against the midnight sky. There was a crowd below as if they were watching a show! Then, I noticed the black silouhettes, standing on top of the roof with umbrellas as if they were going to jump! And jump they did!! Who’s life was this I was seeing, and what did it have to do with me ?? It was starting to get dark out now, so I decided to call it a night. I would sleep on my thoughts about the house, and email Lucinda in the morning with all of these questions… Just then, I saw a woman standing by the harbor. She had long strawberry blondish red hair, and she was holding a black cat. I felt like I had seen her before. I had asked her if she was here to see the house as well, and if she had been able to get in touch with Lucinda Jenney, the realtor. She had told me that Lucinda Jenney was the late daughter of the late late Sarah Jenney. She had explained, ” Sarah and Sally had been in a feud for years growing up, but that all changed when Sarah had helped Sally and The Aunts save my life. From that moment on, Sarah had promised to help protect and guide the Owens family for years to come. Sarah had a daughter Lucinda, who had grown close with Sallys’ daughters Kylie and Antonia.” I had about a million questions running through my head. I looked down at the letter one more time, for only a few seconds. When I had lifted my head again to ask the woman all the questions I needed answered, she was nowhere to be found… I decided to just go home and sleep, it had been a long day. That night in my dreams, I had dreamt of people I had never thought of before. In my dream, my great grandmother was Sally Owens. Witchcraft had brought my Great Grandma Sally and officer Gary Hallet together. Sally already had two children, Kylie and Antonia in a prior marriage with Michael, who was killed by Maria’s Curse. When Sally married Gary, she had a third child, Audrina Owens Hallett. Kyle, Antonia, and Audrina had grown up together . Audrina had run away when she was 18, and had given birth to my mother. Audrina had raised my mother by herself, and never spoke about her family. She had never heard Audrina speak of the Owen’s name, since she had the option to use her father’s last name. So Audrina is my grandmother and that makes Kylie and Antonia my Great Aunts! Time went on, and most of the Owen’s Family had either passed on , or lost touch. When I awoke, I had realized what everything meant. Lucinda is keeping her mother’s word, helping my great Aunts salvage whatever is left of the Owen’s Family history ever since that night they saved Gillian. Then it hit me! The woman I spoke to lastnight who disappeared was the ghost of Gillian Owens! All day, when I had felt like someone had ran past me, was the presence of the spirits of my ancestors, letting me know that I was in the right place! I then wondered if the prophetic dream was the result of that brownie bite I had taken, or pure coincidence! Just then, the cleaning broom in the corner of my room had fallen! Is Company Coming? Well, what do you think?!? So now that you’ve read my post, what did you find interesting? Did you notice anything odd in any of the pictures? Maybe some silly little visitors? Everytime I say “I feel that chill…” , take a closer look ! And you will find the hidden surprise… some are more prominent than others, but it is a fun treat to find none the less! |
About JustinaJustina is the creative force behind Bohemian Magic Studios. She is inspired by bright colors, nature, books, and movies. She loves cooking, arts n crafts projects, essential oils, reading the tarot and talking about astrology! SAVELANDS![]() Archives
June 2021