Summer is coming to an end August was so bittersweet Enjoy the days, they’re dwindling down and cooling off the heat… Come rest under a canopy of flowers smelling sweet… Come watch the faeries acrobat and fly lightly off their feet Will you miss these summer days Of carefree relaxation? Or do you look for Autumn Fairies with anticipation? September brings the equinox The start of autumn harvest The changing of the leaves beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges… I can’t wait for FALL!!
Can You?
Today I have a super easy and super YUMMY recipe for you all! I LOVE making these when I’m hungry for brunch, lunch, or even late at night. I’ll even make it before I go to bed. And it’s pretty healthy, full of veggies and protein! I also have a little surprise elixir in store for you to enjoy along side of this yummy dish! So without further adieu, I present to you this recipe… VEGGIE FRITTATA WITH GUAVA NECTAR, ORANGE JUICE, & BLUEBERRY SMOOTHIE Ingredients for Frittata Half a Zucchini 1 Tomato Half a small onion A few pinches of fresh parsley Salt & Pepper Olive Oil So first you want to chop your veggies. I used Zucchini, Tomato, & Onion. They are my FAVE together, and especially with eggs. Also, be sure to give em a rinse first before chopping! Coat your pan with some olive oil, fire up that heat and once that starts sizzling, throw in your veggies! These are going to have to cook for awhile before adding your egg. So stir those around a bit, get them coated in the olive oil, and then turn the heat down a bit, place a lid over them, and let them cook from the steam! Set it and forget it for awhile… Now you want to get out 2 eggs and scramble those! Now after scrambling my eggs, I love to add salt & pepper, sometimes a little crushed red pepper for heat,AND FRESH PARSLEY! Let’s go outside to my parsley plant to pick a few sprigs! Well that was a nice little surprise! Have a nice day Mr. Grubby! Now back to our recipe. Rinse your garden parsley… And add to your scrambled egg mixture… Once that’s all mixed, check on your veggies! If they are still not tender, leave them cook until they are! Once they are cooked all the way through, you can add your egg to the pan now. Make sure the egg covers the whole bottom of the pan, coating all of your veggies as well. Put heat on low, place a lid over it, and let your eggs cook through. While that is cooking, let’s start on our magical elixir! Ingredients Strawberry Guava Orange Juice Fresh Blueberries Ice Tools: Magic Bullet So for this recipe I used my handy dandy Magic Bullet. This this is AWESOME for making smoothies of any kind. I started by filling my bullet halfway with ice, then halfway with this YUMMY STRAWBERRY GUAVA to cover that ice, then the remainder of the bullet cup with the orange juice. You want to blend that until there are no more huge ice chunks. Once you have a nice blended consistency, now add a handful of blueberries! By now your cup should already be pretty full of smoothie, so be careful not to make it overflow! Put the cap back on and blend again, just so the blueberries are crushed up into the mixture now! Ok your smoothie is done now! Let’s put our bullet cup in the fridge until it is ready to serve with our Frittata! Let’s check on that now… Throughout the course of me making the smoothie, I was also checking my frittata every now and then. I kept scraping the sides around the eggs in the pan, and also poked some holes in the center with a fork to prevent air bubbles. When your eggs look like the picture below, they are done! The olive oil I used to grease the already nonstick pan ensures that my frittata will slide ride out onto and plate! VIOLA! Let’s pour our magical elixir!! I garnished with some fresh mint from the garden! How refreshing does this look!?!? A beautiful table scape for a beautiful day! I can feel fall in the air already… The breeze on this day was so perfect, and the flowers are already starting to hide away. LET’S DIG IN! This dish is so enchantingly delicious! OOPS! I ate the WHOLE THING!!! I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I did! Please try it out, and let me know if you have other ideas to add to the recipe! I’d love to hear! HAVE A MAGICKAL DAY!
I grew up in an Italian Household where my parents were always entertaining and throwing dinner parties. The one smell that I always love, is the scent of peppers roasting in the oven! It just always smells like home. I usually always have these on the antipasto menu! They are DELICIOUS, and absolutely EASY to make… ROASTED RED PEPPERS Ingredients 1 Red Pepper per person 1 Clove of Garlic A Few Sprigs of Fresh Parlsey Extra Virgin Olive Oil Sea Salt Ground Black Pepper So we are going to start with our peppers, I am going to make 2 for today. Before we cook with them, let’s just rinse them anyway to be safe! After they are rinsed, dry them, and place them on a baking sheet covered with tin foil. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Pop those babies in the oven, and leave them in there for about a half hour or until the skins look like they’re starting to charr and start peeling off of the pepper… You also want your peppers to feel soft to the touch, not really firm anymore, so make sure the insides are cooked before taking them out! Take them out and let them cool before handling!! Once they are cooled enough remove the stem/core and start peeling the skins off! After removing the skins, start running the peppers under water to remove all of the seeds and any skin remaining off the pepper slices. Place them in a dish, because we are going to start seasoning these babies! Chop up your cloves of garlic and collect your Parsley from your garden, or purchase it from your local farmer’s market as well! If that’s the case, give them a little rinse as well. Add your Extra Virgin Olive Oil to your peppers,sprinkle your garlic and parsley over the top, and then lastly add a pinch of sea salt and ground black pepper. Give that a good mixing, and you might wanna wrap this up and fridge it for 20 – 30 minutes before eating. They are best when they are cold! Alrighty! It’s time to try out our afternoon snack! OH MY GOODNESS! DELICIOUS!!! It’s been a great day of experimenting in my kitchen, and showing you some recipes that I made up, or just grew up with. Try them yourself, and let me know in the comments how you like them, or if you decide to try them, and you have your own ideas to add to them, I’d love to hear about em!
Ta ta for now! So I managed to get my hands on this Sunburst Green Tea Flavored Mighty Leaf Iced Tea! My mom brewed it the first time without all of the dressings I added this time, and it was a bit too strong even for me, so I added some stuff to soften the taste a bit for those who don’t like their iced tea too strong. Ingredients 1 Mighty Leaf Sunburst Green Tea Bag 1/4 to 1/2 cup Sugar (Depending on how sweet you like yours) 1 Fresh Orange A Handful of Fresh Garden Mint Ice So the steps for this recipe is pretty easy! First you boil your pot of water. (I don’t use a kettle for making ICED teas, I use a pot, because you want room to steep your tea bags using the whole batch of water!) And the tea bags for THIS specific tea are HUGE, but they are so pretty and they smell SOOOO GOOD! So once your pot of water comes to a boil, turn off the heat, and add your 1 large tea bag! Let that steep for however long, if you like stronger tea, let it steep longer, and if you like weaker tea let it steep shorter. While that is steeping, go ahead and add your sugar, and stir, stir, stir! You want all of your sugar to dissolve into the hot water. At this point you’re going to let your pot of water cool, or at least become lukewarm so it is a bareable temperature to work with when you add your fruit and herbs, which we are not trying to cook! *giggles* So now would be a good time to prep our fruit! Cut up one orange into slices like seen in the above picture! Also be sure to collect some fresh mint from your garden, if you do not have a garden you can buy it from any supermarket (Just be careful of pesticides, YUCK!!). Most farmer’s markets these days sell organic produce, which don’t use pesticides, BUT I’d give them a good rinse off anyway, cuz you really don’t know where it’s coming from or who is handling it. If you’re picking from the garden, be careful of BEES!
Now is when you add your orange, mint, and ice! How colorful and beautiful does that look!?!? Let’s have a taste of our magical concoction! NOW, THAT’S REFRESHING! You can sip on this while cooking another whimsical recipe, or while your gardening on those hot summer days! Either way, Enjoy! Til next time… So my mom has been making this banana bread recipe since I was very little and it’s always fun to try different versions of it with different little surprises added inside. You can pretty much add anything you want to the batter, but today I decided to try out some butterscotch morsels with walnuts. I also had dried cranberries on hand, but wasn’t sure if that would be overkill. Maybe next time! So my mother brought to my attention that the bananas were starting to go bad, which is the BEST time to make banana bread!! She wanted to make it, but she was busy with some other things, so she asked me to. So I whipped out her handy dandy recipe! INGREDIENTS 1 3/4 cups of all purpose flour 2/3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon double acting baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda Once I got all of my ingredients together I preheated my oven to 350 Degrees and then I added the dry ones first to a large mixing bowl. Next add 1/2 cup of shortening, or you can use butter or margarine. I actually used Earth Balance Vegan Butter and it worked just as well! I also used the same thing to grease my pan. Here in this step you want to cut the butter or shortening into your dry ingredients with 2 knives, scissor style, OR you can do what I did and mash it all together with your hands… (Make sure you take off your rings and your hands are clean !) Mash it together until you get these coarse crumbs! Next mash up your 2 overly riped nanners, and lightly beat 2 eggs! Add that to your crumbly dry mixture along with a half a cup of your butterscotch morsels and a half a cup of your crushed walnuts! Fold all of that into your batter with a spatula! Now grease your bread pan, and pour your batter into it. Pop that baby in the oven and set your timer to 55 minutes to 1 hour! Before our next recipe, let’s take a much needed and well deserved break! Time to LICK THE BOWL!!! :-X (That part always makes me still feel like a kid again!) While that is in the oven it is time to get started on our magickal refreshing Chai Tea Elixir! This is great to drink on the side with your banana bread! CHAI TEA ELIXIRFirst bring a pot of water to a boil… Once that is boiled, turn off the heat and get out 2 teabgs. I love this Organic Tazo Chai, but you can use any brand of Chai that you wish. Put the 2 tea bags in your pot of HOT water and let that steep. You might want to wrap the tea bag’s string around the pot handle to prevent the whole thing from falling into the water. Be careful not to burn yourself doing this! Also, while your teabags are steeping and your water is still HOT, now add your sugar and stir so it dissolves. You can add sugar to taste: less if you don’t like it as sweet, or more if you love a sweet chai like myself While your tea is steeping, check on your banana bread! Stick a toothpick or fork in the center, and if you have raw batter come out onto the fork, then let it bake a bit more. Mine was actually still a bit uncooked in the center after a full hour. I think I added an extra 10 minutes, and again it was still uncooked. Finally after adding another 15, it was baked all the way through. Time to take out our BANANA BREAD! Let that cool on your stovetop now, and go check on your chai tea… Once your tea is lukewarm on the stove, now it is time to pour it into a pitcher, add a handful of ice,and also some milk to taste. Add more if you like your tea lighter, less if you love a dark tea. I love my chai creamy, so I added a lot of milk! Put that in the fridge to chill it for a bit until you are ready to serve! While your bread is cooling, and your tea is chilling, there are a few things I want to show you… I bought some new books!! I had a some money on a gift card that I had been saving for a special occasion. Well I had just finished reading Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen, and I was really craving more of her magical stories, so I had set out to find some more of her work. I picked up The Girl Who Chased the Moon, and The Sugar Queen. Aren’t these beautiful? I can’t wait to devour their magical pages! Aside from the Sarah Addison Allen Books, I also stumbled upon a beautiful bright pink leather bound book called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Other Stories. I thought the cover was so enchanting with its filigreed whimsical cover with golden accents. The inside covers are beautifully illustrated with gold dipped pages. The book also includes a silk book mark sewn into the binding and the pages themselves include the original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel The back cover has the Mad Hatter on it, which I loved as well!! I cannot wait to read these amazing works! I thought the book was so beautiful that I just had to add it to my collection! I really wanted to share it with you all O would you look at that! Our bread is cooled and our chai tea latte is chilled! Would you like a slice or two? Don’t forget to have some iced chai tea latte! It is sure to keep you cool on this HOT SUMMER’S DAY! I think I have decided which book I want to start with: THE SUGAR QUEEN! Now excuse me while I cozy up in a cushiony chair under the shaded pergola and devour my tasty afternoon sweet treats and my magical book!
CHEERS! I just wanted to tell you a little bit about my weekend! I had come down with a little head cold and couldn’t bring myself to do anything but snuggle up and pick up one of the many books on my MAGICKAL BOOKCASE! I had started reading “Garden Spells” by Sarah Addison Allen, awhile ago, and last time I tried reading it, I got halfway through it, and then life got in the way as usual! So I just never got around to finishing it. I just got the urge to pick it up and give it another go. I remembered a lot of things from it, but I started from the beginning anyway and I finally finished it TODAY after 4 days! I LOVED IT!!!!…. SO MUCH! It’s one of those books that I can only hope they will make a movie out of. I had a really fun time picturing the characters in my head as I was reading it. Here is what I came up with, feel free to disagree but these are just MY personal casting choices: Claire – Ginnifer Goodwin Sydney- Isla Fisher Bay – Mia Hays Evanelle – Judi Dench Emma – Carrie Underwood Hunter John – Paul Walker Ariel – Faith Hill Tyler – James Franco Henry – Toby Maguire Lester – Scott Wilson Fred- Chad Lowe James – Michael C Hall David – Alfred Molina I just loved getting lost in this quaint little enchanted world! All the talk of herbs and gardens really made me want to be out around the natural elements! The bumble bees bury themselves in the mint flowers! The minty sweet smell captivates them, they don’t even seem to mind that I got up too close to take a picture! There is magic surrounding the fairy pond… Can you see it!?!? It’s all around! The book made me want to grow a mischeivious apple tree!! Could you IMAGINE a tree whose fruit gave you crystal visions of the biggest event in your life, when taking a bite!?! Not quite an apple tree, but here is an ever growing fig tree! The magical properties of Figs include Fertility, Strength, Energy, and Health. These garden tomatoes are starting to ripen on the vine! These were grown from seeds given to us by my grandmother! She is an expert tomato gardener, the love in the seeds she gave us seemed to nurture our garden with abundance this year! Can’t wait to eat one! If I made some flower petal wine, do you think I would be able to fix broken relationships, or see in the dark? What kind of powers do you think these bright pink petals would have? They are so playful and cheery! All of this gardening is making me so HUNGRY!! How about this delectable treat?!?!? Avi had a sweet tooth on the way home from our little field trip to Chester where we went in the little consignment shops with unique art and handmade crafts. We also had a nice sushi dinner which was so yummy! The stinging wasabi helped to clear my sinuses just a bit with my head cold! It was also his sister’s 14th birthday, so it was the perfect idea to stop at a local bakery for some enchanted cupcakes!! I just had to have the blue one! Avi settled for the orange one! We gave his sister the pink one, my mom the yellow one, his mom took the white one, and there was just one chocolate left standing! YUMMY SUGARY SPRINKLES!!!! What a SUGAR HIGH!!! We finished off our confections with a nice glass of iced water with fresh mint from the garden!! It is getting late now, time to blow out the candle lanterns and get ready for another day! Garden Spells inspired me so much! Oh! And did I mention, after reading the magical book and satisfying my sweet tooth (plus many bowls of soup, dollops of wasabi, TBSPns of Vicks Daytime, and vitamin/supplements later), I actually feel MUCH BETTER!! It may have been allergies, whatever it was, I’m glad it’s GONE!! If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and pick up Garden Spells now! Thanks for reading! Till next time… How are you enjoying your spring so far!? Mine has been pretty lovely for the most part. I have constantly been creating, sewing, painting, getting my hands all messy, trying to set aside more time for reading, and more therapeutic time for myself… I have spent all last week working on my new line of Birdhouses, which I plan to sell in my Etsy store, along with my magnets, and cookie jars. My store isn’t ready just yet, there is still a bit of work to be done, but I figured that I would post the product pictures up cuz I’m so excited about these birdhouses, I can’t contain it any longer! Here is the first one...The back of this one is from some Francesca Lia Block xeroxed book pages I had lying around. She is one of my favorite authors! Here is the second house. This is actually the first one that I made about a year ago, when I was just testing out the idea. You can tell, because there is not as much detail on it as far as decoupaged book pages go. These bird houses make a nice little home for our bright and cheery spring friends! Here is the third house. This one came out much better than I had anticipated!The fence was a bit tricky, but I think I nailed it pretty good :-D! The little bells sound so magickal! Here is the butterfly detailing on the top! There is some up close detailing of the fence, with more bookpages by Francesca Lia Block. I love how that last line finishes off the bottom of the fence: “We painted our face with RAINBOWS”. It is from Miss Block’s book Psyche in a Dress. This cute little pink bird is nestled inside a sparkly turquoise home. It is complete with a dreamy pink and white circus top and adorned with my favorite Prima Flowers. The extra long lace sways the little bells in the breeze, tinkling a magickal wind song. Next we have a birdhouse, which is identical in structure to the last one, but this one is Sunshine Dust Yellow, with a Black and White sparkly circus top. Up close on the circus top detail are more Prima Flowers. Ribbon Bell and Accents! Last but certainly not least, here is a little experimentation I wanted to try. I found these amazing plain wooden birds at the craft store, and I thought I would try my hand at one. So I decided I would paint/decoupage and embellish one, just the way I did with the birdhouses… I was on a roll with all the ribbon draping with the birdhouses, that I thought it would only make sense to add some ribbons and bells to this too. And the little bells sound so soothing in the wind…The wings are decoupaged with more Francesca Lia Block Pages! (LOVE HER!) It has a paper napkin for the tail, a sparkly rhinestone for the eyes and pink sheer fine glitter was used for most of the body. I used much thicker grade turquoise glitter for the underbelly. You should see my craft room with all the glitter I’ve been using on these things! It’s like a fairy exploded in there! The stuff is so messy, but I personally think that glitter makes everything better! I bought 2 more plain birdhouses at the dollar store, as well as twig rings, I am thinking of making fairy headdresses Stay tuned for more! Til then, I found an ad in the newspaper today for this beautiful house. As soon as I saw it, I was overtaken by a strong sense of deja vu. I knew right away that I had to go see it, maybe not to buy it , but just to see if anything about it could jolt my memory… I used the email address in the ad, to contact Miss Jenney. When she responded, she wasn’t very welcoming, or descriptive in her email, but very shortly supplied me with the address. I decided to take the drive, since it was surprisingly not too far from where I lived. When I pulled up to the house, I immediately thought It was the most beautiful house I had ever seen! As soon as I walked in the door, I could feel something special. I stood in the Parlor and felt some kind of force pushing me into the kitchen and towards the attic stairs. It lured me up to the attic! I followed a winding staircase to the very top and saw a bright light coming from under the entrance door. Upon entering, the light grew stronger…. I peeked around the corner and what I found was an old brown trunk. There seemed to be this bright magical light emerging from it! I walked closer, and I proceeded to lift the lid with caution. I barely touched it, when it just flew open by itself! What I found inside was breathtaking!! I reached in, and pulled out an old spell book!! On the cover it said “La Boheme Magique’s Book of Shadows” I wonder where this came from, and whose this was. On the inside cover it said property of Jet and Frances Owens, but that was crossed out. Underneath that, it said Property of Sally and Gillian Owens. That was crossed out as well! Underneath that, it said property of Antonia and Kylie Owens… It looks like it has been passed down from generation to generation… I wondered who would get it next… I opened it up to center, and inside I found a magical spell… The left page appeared to be some sort of Bird Love Spell, where you are supposed to stick a bird with a pin needle to attract the one you love… On the right side page was a spell titled “Spiritus”. The recipe called for: 4 oz of Braided Wheat Straw Bundles 2 oz of Blue Sage 2 oz of Mandragora 1 Tbl of Henbane Pulp and then there was a disclaimer which read: Henbane is poisonous! This spell is said to revive the dead, but precaution must be taken, because it is said that they will come back as something dark and unnatural!! I figured I was not at liberty to try either of these spells, but I might need the book for something else, so I took it with me. In the trunk, under the book, was some old gypsyesque clothing, and I couldn’t help but play dressup! I took out a beautiful lavender purple lace dress with silk lining. I finagled my way into the antique couture, when all of the sudden I felt a really cold draft as if somebody had ran past me! Just then, the old phonograph went on by itself, and it started playing Elvis Presley’s “You Are Always on My Mind” !! It made me jump out of my skin!! I got that chill again, like someone had rushed past me, so I decided to go back downstairs! As I was walking back down the winding staircase from the attic, this magical smell started to overtake me!!! It lured me through the magickal kitchen, and out into the garden. It was then, I realized what this smell was!!!! When I arrived in the garden, I saw a table seated for one, with the most amazing treat one could ever wish for!! BROWNIES FOR BREAKFASTThe table was also adorned with an old photo of a dark haired woman. Her face looked very familiar. Next to her was a green vase that looked like it was from a botanical shop, and a watch inscribed with the words Sally Owens. On top of the plate, was a note… I wondered if I was supposed to read it. I didn’t want to impose, being that I was only here for an open house! I could not contain my curiosity any longer ! I carefully pulled the pink and white silk ribbon , and opened the parchment… It wasn’t addressed to anyone specific, but for some reason I felt like I was supposed to be the one reading this… It read: Our Dearest Inheritor, You are sent here today not by choice , but by the magickal plan we have set for you! We knew you would be here one day! And it is only you , who will carry on the true gifts of The Owens Family! Please take a bite of one of our magickal breakfast brownies, a recipe which has been passed down through generations, and in turn you will inherit all that is planned for you!! Your Beloved Aunts, Kylie and Antonia Owens I looked around carefully to see if anyone was around. I skimmed through the letter again briefly. I kept telling myself that this was meant to be. I hopefully shrugged my shoulders, and took a bite. I sat there for about a minute afterward waiting to shrink, or grow like Alice, but it didn’t happen. All of the sudden these wild roses started blooming out of nowhere! The vines started growing and thickening around the white lattice on the harbor leading out into the front yard overlooking the bay. I thought I should follow the path. This whole thing has felt like one sign after another. As I was approaching the harbor, I felt a cold breeze like someone had run past me again! There was a toad resting along the pathway as if to say that I was going the right way… I arrived on the front porch, and I noticed a little table set up as if it were going to tell my fortune! On the table, was a crystal ball, and a tarot deck set out on purple silk! I had felt a cold chill run through my whole body. I felt like someone had run past me a few times again. Was there some kind of phenomenon going on here, or was I just going crazy? I sat down and gazed into the crystal ball and what I saw took me by surprise! First I saw two little girls sending off rose petals into the moonlight. Next I saw a few women dancing around the same magickal kitchen I had walked through just moments prior. I then saw two lovers embracing. The last thing I saw in the crystal was this very house on Hallow’s Eve, white and statuesque against the midnight sky. There was a crowd below as if they were watching a show! Then, I noticed the black silouhettes, standing on top of the roof with umbrellas as if they were going to jump! And jump they did!! Who’s life was this I was seeing, and what did it have to do with me ?? It was starting to get dark out now, so I decided to call it a night. I would sleep on my thoughts about the house, and email Lucinda in the morning with all of these questions… Just then, I saw a woman standing by the harbor. She had long strawberry blondish red hair, and she was holding a black cat. I felt like I had seen her before. I had asked her if she was here to see the house as well, and if she had been able to get in touch with Lucinda Jenney, the realtor. She had told me that Lucinda Jenney was the late daughter of the late late Sarah Jenney. She had explained, ” Sarah and Sally had been in a feud for years growing up, but that all changed when Sarah had helped Sally and The Aunts save my life. From that moment on, Sarah had promised to help protect and guide the Owens family for years to come. Sarah had a daughter Lucinda, who had grown close with Sallys’ daughters Kylie and Antonia.” I had about a million questions running through my head. I looked down at the letter one more time, for only a few seconds. When I had lifted my head again to ask the woman all the questions I needed answered, she was nowhere to be found… I decided to just go home and sleep, it had been a long day. That night in my dreams, I had dreamt of people I had never thought of before. In my dream, my great grandmother was Sally Owens. Witchcraft had brought my Great Grandma Sally and officer Gary Hallet together. Sally already had two children, Kylie and Antonia in a prior marriage with Michael, who was killed by Maria’s Curse. When Sally married Gary, she had a third child, Audrina Owens Hallett. Kyle, Antonia, and Audrina had grown up together . Audrina had run away when she was 18, and had given birth to my mother. Audrina had raised my mother by herself, and never spoke about her family. She had never heard Audrina speak of the Owen’s name, since she had the option to use her father’s last name. So Audrina is my grandmother and that makes Kylie and Antonia my Great Aunts! Time went on, and most of the Owen’s Family had either passed on , or lost touch. When I awoke, I had realized what everything meant. Lucinda is keeping her mother’s word, helping my great Aunts salvage whatever is left of the Owen’s Family history ever since that night they saved Gillian. Then it hit me! The woman I spoke to lastnight who disappeared was the ghost of Gillian Owens! All day, when I had felt like someone had ran past me, was the presence of the spirits of my ancestors, letting me know that I was in the right place! I then wondered if the prophetic dream was the result of that brownie bite I had taken, or pure coincidence! Just then, the cleaning broom in the corner of my room had fallen! Is Company Coming? Well, what do you think?!? So now that you’ve read my post, what did you find interesting? Did you notice anything odd in any of the pictures? Maybe some silly little visitors? Everytime I say “I feel that chill…” , take a closer look ! And you will find the hidden surprise… some are more prominent than others, but it is a fun treat to find none the less! So I was thinking, and since Avi and I were The Mad Hatter and Queen of Hearts this past Halloween, we still have costumes! So I was thinking since we already had our costumes all sorted out, all we have to do is set up a tablescape and take some pictures…. But what is a Mad Tea Party, with NO tea cups!?!? I searched and searched online, but real china tea sets are so expensive! So I figured I would go on an excursion. I checked out a Marshall’s by my house, and I found these really cute white porcelain cup/saucers ! They were only $2.99 a set, so I got 4 sets, and even a tea pot for only $18! I loved that they were white porcelain, my wheels were turning as I was looking at the cups in the store. The fact that they were practically a blank canvas, was enough for me to scoop them up and take them home! I painted them bright colors (Blue, pink, yellow, green) and I accented the design around the plates with some gold craft paint I had… I was so excited how they were coming out after the first plate I had done !! Once I was finished, painting the cups and saucers I sprayed them with a clear gloss sealant spray I purchased at home depot. The only thing that sux about it is that , it is not Glass Paint, so the cups and saucers are not actually useable … which is a shame, cuz they are so beautiful… but I guess I can settle for them just being decorative pieces, and able to use them just for the photo shoot… Here is a little sneak peek of just one of the plates This project is to be continued. I have 2 more sets to spray paint, and sometime this week , I want to set up a mock table scape to kinda practice and figure out how I want to lay everything out for the shoot… Until then, guess what I found bloomed in my backyard this past week? Finally!! It’s about time, I have ben waiting for these beauties to come outHere is another exotic flower growing in my backyard. I’m not exactly sure what they are, but they are just as beautiful! On a sadder note, the clematis leaves only last about a week or 2 :-(. Its beautiful pinkish purple vibrant leaves have withered away and wilted off the little wisps…
I miss them already! Well it is getting late here, I just wanted to share a bit of this weekend with you all… Have a good night! |
About JustinaJustina is the creative force behind Bohemian Magic Studios. She is inspired by bright colors, nature, books, and movies. She loves cooking, arts n crafts projects, essential oils, reading the tarot and talking about astrology! SAVELANDS![]() Archives
June 2021