Hello Loves!
In today's video, I will show you how I put together a fairy garden using just a few affordable items along with a Wild Pixy Fairy Garden Kit that my husband got for me this past Valentine's Day. I'm so excited the weather is getting a lot warmer, so now I can get out into the garden and put this together for you all! Here are the materials you will need: - A pot or container with a drainage hole (I have found that Terra Cotta pots from your local hardware store do the job great, and are the cheapest option. I found my large to medium sized one for around $16, and I COULD even paint it down the line if I ever wanted to. *The Fairy house and rocks supplied in your Wild Pixy Fairy Garden kits, ARE solar powered, so keep in mind that your garden should be placed in full sun in order to charge your fairy garden pieces...therefore your plants SHOULD be able to tolerate full sun as well. The full sun plants I used are the following: - Blue Diamond Delphiniums -Purslane -Coreopsis -Superbells Holycow Calibrachoas THIS VIDEO IS NOT SPONSORED. This fairy garden was a gift, and I felt inspired to bring awareness to a wonderful small business, doing amazing and charitable things for children all around the globe! Wild Pixy spreads the magic by helping to keep other little people safe. 5% of net profit donated to Thorn! PURCHASE THE WILD PIXY FAIRY GARDEN KIT ON AMAZON!
DISCLAIMER: The video was not sponsored, however I am an Amazon Affiliate, so I will receive a small commission if you purchase this product from the link below. Thank you for supporting my small business :-)
"Fairy Garden" by Savannah Philyaw "Night Garden" by Maria Christine Brehmer SUPPORT THESE VIDEOS ON PATREON! Thank you to all of my Patrons for your support! It means the world to me! Megan Baker Dee Carubia Michelle Ziemann Rachel Carter
Bohemian Magic Studios Presents Witchin’ Kitchen | Strawberry Poundcake Recipe Hello Magickal Beings! This video was intended for last year’s Strawberry Moon Celebration (2017), where we had visited Alstede Farm in Chester, NJ to pick some strawberries. As most of you know, a majority of the recipes and footage I had taken last summer, had to be placed on the back burner as I planned my extremely detailed wedding day. However, fret not! None of that footage has been discarded or disregarded as scrap. I have instead decided to edit and upload the videos anyway, during their appropriate season, as bonus content. So I hope you enjoy these nonetheless, even if they’re a bit late 😉 Now without further adieu, here is a Strawberry Poundcake Recipe that I tried with the strawberries we had picked last strawberry moon. This recipe was a bit more involved than the Strawberry Fruit Leather Recipe that I posted last week! I would like to thank LoveFoodies.com for the recipe, it is one of the recipes I have pinned to my Strawberry Moon pinterest boards. The recipe I used is courtesy of www.LoveFoodies.com.
Ingredients: 3/4 cup or 175 g softened butter 1/4 cup or 60 ml milk 1 1/2 cups or 290 g regular sugar 3 eggs (lightly beaten) 9 oz or 250 g Fresh Strawberries, mashed 1 3/4 cups or 225 g Plain / All purpose flour (sieved) 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract You’ll also need a Kitchen Aid Mixer, and a greased baking loaf pan. Watch the video above for complete instructions! I hope you are able to try this recipe for this strawberry moon, as I hope to make it again this year to celebrate. I hope to keep this esbat tradition going throughout the years 🙂I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me and my little fairy friends. They definitely enjoyed the sweet treat we made today! Find more of my favorite recipes and boards for the Sabbats & Esbats on my pinterest page HERE! Follow me on Instagram! Watch my complete Witchin’ Kitchen Playlist! COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE Comments & Questions? EMAIL ME! SIGNUP FOR MY MAILING LIST! Bohemian Magic Studios Presents Faerie Magazine: Practical Magic Issue REVIEW! Hello You Magickal Beings! Welcome back to another Witchy Review!! I have in my hands, the latest issue of FAERIE MAGAZINE! And this issue is in honor of Alice Hoffman’s much anticipated prequel to Practical Magic, a very beloved book amongst the whimsical witchy community. The prequel is titled “The Rules of Magic” and centers around the aunts and their upbringing during the 60s. It explains how they dealt with the nasty curse placed upon them by their ancestor Maria, so that any man who falls in love with them meets an untimely fate. It’s such a wonderful book surrounding themes of love, loss and obviously magic… This mag issue has that same touch of magick all throughout, as Alice Hoffman herself has graced the pages with excerpts of the new release, as well as other short stories she has to share. It’s also chock full of poetry and emotive photography, and other articles & interviews, practical magic and otherwise. Some of my favorite excerpts from the issue include the Red Shoes and all of the other magickal things the sisters were prohibited from experiencing. I also loved editor Carolyn Turgeon’s very relatable article about why she loves the movie practical magic – it’s the same reason why I’m sure we all fell in love with it as well! I also love the excerpt on courage tea and the article about all of the Herbs from the books, which are displayed on illustrated pages beautiful enough to be found in a book of shadows. The Aunt’s checklist for living a magickal life is a fun little read, and Tricia Saroya’s PM Party Tips are a fun little read if you’re planning on hosting your own witchy gathering! Other great articles include Veronica Varlow’s “Magic House” and Charlotte Baker’s excellent instructional piece on “How to Make a Broom” – a must know for every witch! And no witchy compilation is complete without a word from Salem’s most badass witch Laurie Cabot, and a look behind the witch shop Enchantments located in NYC’s village. So if you’re craving something a little witchy, be sure to pick up this issue and let’ start a discussion down below! Order your copy of Faerie Magazine’s Practical Magic Issue today!www.FaerieMag.comBuy the Rules of Magic by Alice HoffmanOTHER RESOURCES: Visit my dear friend Seka on Youtube! Visit these witches on Instagram! Sage Sovereign Veronica Varlow Alice Hoffman VISIT ENCHANTMENTS for your own customized carved spell candle! BUY A CUSTOM WITCH’S BROOM! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more magickal posts! WATCH MORE OF MY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE! And don’t forget to comment, rate, & subscribe! Email me at [email protected] Justina xoxo Hello You Magickal Beings!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Beltane! I had a nice day doing some spring cleaning, and redesigning my altar to flow with the new Spring season! Spring is all about “Out with the old and in with the new”. It’s a time to declutter, and rejuvenate our personal space whether it’s in our homes or even internally with our mind, body, and spirit! In this video I will show you my own personal sacred space which I designed for Beltane. Beltane (or Beltain) is typically celebrated on May 1, and is a time to celebrate our faery friends, and the union between the God and the Goddess. It’s about fertility and revival of all living things in nature. Here are some key things you can place on your Beltane altar to celebrates the different aspects of the God, Goddess, and the Fae! Colors First things first, you want to decide on the colors and cloths you will be using to create your magickal space! I used bright colors to embody the feeling of spring and rejuvenation! For Beltane, you can typically anything that feels light and spring in nature. I used light purple cloth with little white floral print on it and tied the sides with some spring green organza ribbon. This cloth really sets the tone for the rest of the items I’ll be adding on top of it! The God Candles & Crystal Points Items you will need on your altar to represent the God are typically anything phallic shaped, such as candles or crystal points. I personally used a pillar candle as my centerpiece as well as some quartz crystal points. The Maypole The Maypole is also a phallic shaped object often made of Birch. In my case, I used a candle with some ribbons tied to the top, as a replica to place on my altar. Those who traditionally dance the maypole weave the ribbons in and out of each other, symbolizing the union of the God and Goddess and the creation of life and fertility. The Goddess Shells, Bird Nests, Acorns, and Flowers These magickal items are a great representation of the Goddess. I placed a magickal birdhouse on my altar as well as a seashell resting upon a bed of acorns I had foraged. These represent the womblike vessel that is synonymous with the Goddess. I also used a combination of synthetic and real flowers to adorn the magickal space. I placed a synthetic flower crown in deep purples around the base of my centerpiece pillar candle. However, I did pick some fresh dandelions and Forget-me-nots, along with some leaves and flowers from my crabapple tree! I made a nice little bouquet with them and placed them on my altar as well! FireCandles are a great representation of fire which is a crucial element of Beltane. Mini cauldrons are also a great thing to place! I didn’t have one, so I just used my centerpiece candle to represent my Beltane Fire. In ancient times, cattle and other farm animals were passed through or made to jump over a Beltane Fire, as a means of purification. Nowadays, people hold bonfires in celebration of the Sabbat. There are even some places in the world that have weekend long festivals to commemorate the occasion! Faery Offerings The realm of the fae is most prominent around this time! Now is your time to attract those little buggers! First off, I placed some fairy statues around my space to honor the fae! I also placed some honey in a little water for them to enjoy! I put this water into a seashell; it is important when feeding your fae, that you use a natural vessel, and stay away from synthetic ones! Faeries are very picky about what they drink from! Also, crystals are a great way to get in touch with the faeries! I love to work with amethyst crystals when attracting the faeries as well because it is associated with the third eye chakra which is used to tap into otherworldly realms! Another small offering I added was a little bowl of mixed sea salts with lavender, rose, and lemon essential oils! I also placed a seashell pendant in here once again as an offering to the faeries, and the goddess. So these are just some ideas on how to celebrate Beltane and create a nice space surrounding those themes!
How do YOU celebrate this springtime Sabbat? Do you just celebrate on May 1, or do you continue to celebrate it throughout the whole month of May? What did you do this year? Let me know in the comments below! SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW! Bohemian Magic Studios Presents
Mystical Mojo Box: Faerie Magick (Subscription Box Review!) For the month of October 2016 The intro includes an original poem by me: Tis the season of delights Creeping spiders, Autumn nights Bats and black cats, ghouls and witches Ghostly haunts and scarecrow stitches In this video you shall see All the magick that’s to be Of fallen leaves & hag stone rocks to peek into a realm unlocked For if you hold the special key you have the power, you will see Just come real close & don’t be shy The Fairy wings forever fly They cast their spell And bring to you This Magick Mojo Box Review! Hey All You Magickal Beings! I have a very special treat in store for you guys this Autumn season! Christina Nelson of Mystical Mojo Box sent me a “Faerie Magick” themed box to review. This theme is valid through the month of October 2016, so if you’re into faeries and you’re into magick, THIS is the subscription box for you! All of the goodies in these boxes come from various little virtual mystical mom and pop shops who run their own businesses, websites, and etsy shops, etc. Christina presents a handful of their surprise goodies in a box, in little enchanting multicolored organza bags! You can view the Mystical Mojo Box Channel Here! And also Comments and Questions: [email protected] Here are some of the companies featured in today’s box: Hag Stone: Raw and Refined Earth Dendritic Agate Wildflower Seed Bombs: SeedPaperSociety Mini Faery Garden Air Plant by Twisted Acres http://airplantsbytwistedacres.com http://airplantstore.com http://twistedacres.blogspot.com Planter by Dream Fairy Gardens https://www.facebook.com/dreamfairygardens/ “Faeries Welcome” Sign by Mini Etchers http://www.minietchers.com/fairy-garden.html La Fee Verte (The Green Fairy) Solid Perfume by Aurora Arctica https://www.etsy.com/shop/auroraarctica Use coupon code OCTBOX15 to enjoy 15% off your etsy purchase! Valid through December 31, 2016! Thanks for watching!
Bohemian Magic Studios Presents
Fairies in the Kitchen | Francesca Lia Block Book Review Hey All! Join me on this nice hot summer’s day as I take a peek inside of the whimsical world of Francesca Lia Block and Carmen Staton who have recently released the very long awaited cookbook based on Francesca’s cult classic Weetzie Bat books. Book Synopsis: “Step into the world of bleach blonde punk pixie Weetzie Bat and bring her fictional feasts to your own table with Fairies in the Kitchen. This magical collection of recipes, inspired by the various tantalizing food references found throughout the award-winning Dangerous Angels series, illustrates how healthy, wholesome food can heal-and taste delicious. With concoctions such as My Secret Agent Lover Man’s Guacamole, Weetzie’s Vegetable Love Rice, and Grandma Fifi’s Sugarcoated Pastries, now you can whip up these delectable dishes yourself. Discover the secrets of Weetzie’s kitchen as you create enchanting meals using the most important ingredients of all-imagination and love. “ I hope you enjoyed my review today, and I hope it inspired you to pick up the book and try some of these magickal recipes for yourself! I hope to be trying some of them out right here on my channel, VERY SOON! I hope you enjoyed this video and spending time with me in the garden today! Come back again soon! If you liked this video, please give me a thumbs up! Also don’t forget to COMMENT, RATE, AND SUBSCRIBE! IG: http://instagram.com/justinasworldoff… FB: https://www.facebook.com/LaBohemeMagique TW: https://twitter.com/JustinaCreates Stay Magickal! BUY "FAIRIES IN THE KITCHEN" by Francesca Lia Block on AMAZON!
DISCLAIMER: I am an Amazon affiliate, so if you purchase the product through the Amazon link below, I will receive a small percentage of commission.
Summer is coming to an end August was so bittersweet Enjoy the days, they’re dwindling down and cooling off the heat… Come rest under a canopy of flowers smelling sweet… Come watch the faeries acrobat and fly lightly off their feet Will you miss these summer days Of carefree relaxation? Or do you look for Autumn Fairies with anticipation? September brings the equinox The start of autumn harvest The changing of the leaves beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges… I can’t wait for FALL!!
Can You? |
About JustinaJustina is the creative force behind Bohemian Magic Studios. She is inspired by bright colors, nature, books, and movies. She loves cooking, arts n crafts projects, essential oils, reading the tarot and talking about astrology! SAVELANDS![]() Archives
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